Sunday, October 17, 2010

Today, October 17, 2005

October 17, 2005
An excerpt from my travel journal to Kenya… “today is a national holiday in Kenya.  Many people have the day off (no school or work).  We traveled in the van to a small village about 30 kilometers from Kissumu along the equator.  This village does not have a name.  It is my turn to share the gospel and I am doing simcom (simultaneous communication) today.  I spoke in English and signed ASL (American Sign Language).  Walter listened to me speaking in English and translated to Swahili.  The local pastor (gosh I wish I knew how to spell his name in Swahili) listened to the spoken Swahili and translated into the local native dialect.  William (Deaf) sat across the circle from me and interpreted in KSL -Kenya Sign Language (while watching me in ASL) to a local deaf boy (age 9).  Are you ‘Lost in Translation” ?  God is good and the seed was planted here in the small village.  The local pastor will have to follow up.  It is an honor for me to come and share about Jesus to the Kenyan deaf…”
I remember there were no limits (borders) for the mission team in Kenya as we shared the gospel to the Deaf.  We (Americans) had to be willing to go and do the mission / job.  The same is true for us today in the classroom, as we incorporate multicultural and multilingual aspects to the students and prepare them for a borderless world- Transnational Leadership by Fisher-Yoshida.